本文拈出《原诗》中的“主客体关系论”作讨论对象 ,具体从三个方面展开 :一、文学以表现客观事物“理事情”为最高法则 ;二、“理事情”的把握和传达有赖于作者的“才识胆力”;三、诗歌艺术表现“理事情”的特殊性即在于“幽妙以为理 ,想象以为事 ,惝惚以为情”。
This study of Yuanshi covers three aspects:1.It is the ultimate literary principle to describe Li(inherent nature), Shi(dynamic process) and Qing(defining property) of the world; 2.The grasp and application of this principle depend on the author's Cai(perception), Shi(insight), Dan(courage) and Li(expressivity); 3.Poetry has its uniqueness in the presentation of Li, Shi and Qing of the world.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)