邓小平理论得以形成 ,除客观历史条件外 ,还与邓小平的非凡的个人素质密切相关。这种个人素质可概括为 2 0字 :坚定理想 ,精通马列 ,阅历丰富 ,胸怀宽阔 ,开拓创新。正是邓小平特有的政治素质、理论素质、思想素质、品德素质。
Apart from the objective historical conditions, the formation of Deng Xiaoping Theory has been closely related with his extraordinary personal quality. This kind of quality can be summarized as follows: firm and high ideals, expertise in Marxism Leninism, rich experience, broad minded, and the spirit of pioneering and creativeness . It is the political, theoretical and ideological quality and the quality of moral character and capability peculiar to Deng Xiaoping that have promoted the formation of Deng Xiaoping Theory.\;
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)