野蘑菇 (AgaricusarvensisSchaeffexFr .)是一种近年来在世界栽培的食用菌。但是直到今天 ,人们对它的繁殖方式和生活史的认识还非常贫乏。在本研究中作者利用随机扩增多态DNA遗传标记技术来研究自育的同核体菌株间的交配试验。结果表明 :1)当两个相互亲合并自育的同核体菌株被配对培养时 ,交配反应可能出现并形成杂合体的后代 ;2 )可能野蘼菇具有双重的交配繁殖方式———同宗配合和异宗配合 ;3)在检验人工杂交试验方面 。
The horse mushroom ( Agaricus arvensis Schaeff ex Fr.) is one of the most excellent edible mushroom,and is cultivated world wide in recent year.Up to now,the breeding system and life cycle of horse mushroom has been poorly known.In this paper,the random amplified polymorphic DNA was employed to analyse the mating reaction between self fertile homokaryonic isolates by pair.The results demonstrated: 1) the mating reaction happened and the heterokaryonic offspring formed when the intercompatible self fertile homokaryonic isolates were paird; 2) perhaps the horse mushroom is possessed of double breeding systems-homothallism and heterothallism; 3) RAPD is very effective method for verifying artificially synthesized heterokaryons and monitoring the transmission of genetic loci in mating of fungi.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences