在分蘖期用 80mg .L- 1和 30 0mg .L- 1浓度乙烯利对甘蔗 (桂糖 15号 )进行叶面喷施处理 ,喷后不同时期对甘蔗茎 (+3和 +4叶之间节间 )的观测表明 :①乙烯利处理促进了维管束的分化 ,密度增大 ,木质部导管和韧皮部也发生了相应的变化 ,80mg .L- 1浓度处理增大了维管束、木质部导管和韧皮部的面积 ,有利于增强输导能力。② 80mg .L- 1浓度处理对甘蔗茎及其表皮细胞的生长发育有短暂的抑制作用 ,但随后即表现为促进作用 ,明显促进了径向壁的增长 ,表现出蔗茎横向扩张的趋势 ;30 0mg .L- 1浓度处理则始终表现为抑制作用。③ 80mg .L- 1浓度处理能提高甘蔗产量 ,而 30 0mg .L-
Sugarcane plants (variety GT15)were sprayed with 80mg.L -1 and 300mg.L -1 of etherphon at early tillering stage,respectively.The morphological structure of stem was surveyed at different stages,the main results were as follows:①Etherphon treatments accelerated the differentiation of vascular bundles,increasing the density bundles,and changing the xylem vessels and phloem in the bundles,and the treatment with 80 mg.L -1 of etherphon increased the area of vascular bundles,which could improved the ability of transport.②The treatment with 80mg.L -1 of etherphon inhibited the growth of stem and its epidermis cells for a short time,but restored quickly and promoted them later,increasing the radial wall area of epidermis cells and promoting the transverse expansion of stem.The treatment with 300mg.L -1 of etherphon inhibited the growth all time.③The treatment with 80mg.L -1 of etherphon increased the cane yield,however,high concentration treatment decreased the cane yield.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3986 0 0 39)
广西自然科学基金资助项目 (桂科自 972 10 13)