利用雾灵山自然保护区第三次森林资源清查报告和雾灵山自然保护区植物及其群落生态学研究课题组的实测资料 ,对雾灵山自然保护区森林的碳汇功能进行了估算。结果表明 :雾灵山自然保护区森林的总固碳量为16 7.6× 10 4 t,其单位面积固碳量针叶林 >阔叶林 ,而且在同一森林内 ,林木 >枯落物 >林下植物 ;雾灵山自然保护区的年净固碳量为 4.3× 10 4 t,其单位面积年净固碳量针叶林 >针阔混交林 >阔叶林 ;雾灵山自然保护区森林总固碳量的经济效益为 5 .5 5亿元。
By using the report of the third forest resource inve stigation of Wuli ng Mountain Natural Reserve and the data from the researching panel of plant an d synecology of Wuling Mountain Natural Reserve,this paper makes an estimate ab out the carbon-pooling ability of the forest of Wuling Mountain Natural Reserve. The results showed that the total amount of carbon pooled by the forest in Wuli ng Mountain Natural Reserve is 167.6×104t. The total amount of carbon pooled by each hectare, in softwood forest, is more than that in broadleaf forest. And in the same forest with the change of the type of the resource the amount of poo led carbon is changed with the forest tree at the top, the undergrowth at the bo ttom and the litter in the middle. The net amount of carbon pooled by the forest in Wuling Mountain Natural Reserve is 4.3×104t per year. And with the change of the type of forest the net amount of pooled carbon is also changed with the softwood forest at the top, broadleaf forest at the bottom and the theropencedry mion in the middle. The economic benefit of the total amount of the pooled carbo n of the forest in Wuling Mountain Natural Reserve is 550 000 000 Yuan RMB.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural University
河北省林业厅资助项目<雾灵山自然保护区植物及其群落生态学研究>的部分内容 (90 0 5 0 30 )