对职技高师低年级学生对大学生活和学习的心理适应状况进行了问卷调查研究。结果表明 ,有 15 6%的学生对学习情境适应不良 ;9 7%的学生存在考试情境适应不良 ;4 5 3 %的学生存在群体活动适应不良 ;3 6 1%的学生存在身体与体育竞赛情境适应不良。对适应不良的原因进行了访谈分析 ,认为应设立专门的援助机构 ,及时开展对新生的心理适应教育 。
A study investigating psychological adaptability of low grade students in vocation technical teachers college showed that 15 6% of the students had problems in adjusting themselves to study areas, 9 7% in examination areas, 45 3% in colony areas and 36 1% in physical competition This paper analyzes reasons for these ill adjustment and puts forward several solutions: establishment of special assisting organizations, carrying out of adaptability education and construction of good class psychological environment
Journal of Hebei Vocation-Technical Teachers College