对于文学构思规律的探索 ,中国古代文论史上有着悠久的传统 ,早在魏晋南北朝时代 ,文论大家陆机和刘勰 ,就相继提出了关于文学构思论的一些有见地的基本观点 :“神思”说、“应感”说、“意象”说 ,并且作了简炼而深刻的理论阐发。后代的一些文论家在他们有关论说的基础上又作了发挥和发展 。
Chinese literary theories enjoy a long history of traditions regarding literary conception. As early as in Wei-Jin Dynasties, the great literary theorists Lu Ji and Liu Xie proposed the insightful theories of 'mental exploration', 'introspective reaction', and 'sense and image', on which they made elaborations. Literary theorists after them developed these theories and formed a set of theories of literary conception with characteristics of the Chinese nation.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)