我国学校课堂教学软件经历了从课件到积件的发展历程。本文试图从以下三方面论述课件与积件的区别与联系 ,这对于我们研究计算机辅助课堂教学的发展方向有重要意义。首先阐述第一代教学软件———课件 (courseware)的特点 ;其次介绍第二代教学软件———积件 (integralware)产生的历史背景及其特点 ;最后论述积件与课件的关系问题。
Classroom teaching software has experienced from courseware to integral ware. This paper tries discussing the relations between the courseware and integral ware, which is important for the development of CAI. Firstly, the point of courseware is expatiated; secondly, the historical background and characteristic of integral ware are introduced; finally, the dialectic relation about the courseware and integral ware is dissertated.
Journal of Harbin University