社会保障反映人们对自身权利和理想社会的追求 ,反映经济与社会发展客观要求 ,是社会稳定发展的必然要求 ,是衡量国家文明与进步水平的重要标志。商业保险是国家实现社会保障体系的重要组成部分 ,社会保险与商业保险有明显区别并相互促进。商业保险应处理好改革与发展、“人治”与“法治”、振兴自己与开放借鉴、眼前利益与长远利益的关系。
The social security reflects people's seeking for theirown right and ideal society,the objective requirements of economy and social development,and is an important sign of the national civilization and progressive level.The commercial insurance is an important part of social security.They complement each other.The commercial insurance should handle contraditions between reform and development,ruling by man and by law,promoting itself and opening,immediate interests and long term interests.
Journal of Harbin University