翻译单位是巴尔胡达罗夫提出的一个久负盛名但争执不已的话题 ,争论的结果非但无助其解决 ,反而使之更加扑朔迷离 ,有关其界定及实际操作也更让人难以琢磨 ,甚至于有人开始怀疑其存在的合理性。本文中作者拟从篇章语言学的角度 ,尝试澄清相关误解 ,提出并论述篇章单位的概念及其特征 ,并由之得出结论 。
The unit of translation is a time-honored yet controversial term in the translation studies.Few achievements have been conducted to solve these problems in question but on the contrary,the everlasting dispute makes it appear even more puzzling and mysterious so that some even begin to question its existence.In this paper the writer attempts, in terms of textlinguistics, to clear away the relevant misunderstandings and demonstrate that the best, practical translation unit is the smallest text unit from a dynamic point of view.
Journal of Kaifeng Institute of Education