王维、陶渊明的田园山水诗均属优美的美学范畴 ,以平淡、静谧为主要风格。但两者之间有所不同。王诗更加冷寂、静穆与安详 ,有些诗透出看破红尘的淡漠 ,充溢着宗教神秘感 ,与世俗生活有着较大的距离 ,体现了一种清高、自赏的士大夫情调。而陶诗却充满了本真的生活气息 ,平易素朴 ,亲切可爱 ,具有平民性、世俗性、民间性 ,有着对现实人生的肯定和对世俗生活的认同。艺术表现上 ,王诗更重形式美 ,注意炼字炼句、对仗押韵、色彩对比、画面安排等。而陶诗则浑然天成 ,自然流畅 ,不假雕饰 。
Wang Wei's Idyll and Tao Yuanming's Idyll both fall into the aesthetic category of 'beauty',with tranquility and nonchalance as their main style.However, there are certain differences between them.Wang Wei's poems are much more solemn and serene.Some show his indifference to the mortal world.His poems have a religious mystery,far from the secular life and show his literati's sentiment of selfadmiration above politics and wordly interests.Tao Yuanming's poems are full of natural and pure of life.Their unaffected and friendly style respects popularity and secularity.His poems express his affirmation to the real life and his identification with the secular life.In terms of the artistic technique of expression,Wang Wei pays much more attention to the beauty of form,such as couplet,color contrast and tableau arrangement,while Tao Yuanming's poems appear natural and smooth without any ornament.
Journal of Linyi Teachers' College