
家兔视网膜脱离状态下玻璃体NGF水平及视网膜细胞动态观察 被引量:3

Changes of the level of vitreous nerve growth factor and retinal cells after retinal detachment in rabbit
摘要 目的 :研究视网膜脱离状态下玻璃体内源性神经生长因子 (NGF)水平及视网膜细胞的动态变化 ,为视网膜脱离的治疗提供实验依据。方法 :健康青紫兰家兔制备视网膜脱离模型 ,模型制备后 8h ,1d ,4d ,7d ,14d以夹心酶免疫反应方法检测玻璃体NGF的水平 ,同时制备视网膜光镜、电镜标本 ,观察视网膜细胞的动态变化。统计学方法采用方差分析、秩和检验和直线相关分析。结果 :①家兔正常玻璃体NGF的水平为 (16 48± 2 5 2 )ng/L。视网膜脱离后 8h玻璃体NGF水平已增加 ,1d后达正常水平的 12 6倍 ;脱离后第 4d为正常水平的 4倍 ;第 14d降至正常水平。②视网膜脱离后第 4~ 7d变性及凋亡视细胞数增加 ,与玻璃体NGF水平显著负相关。③视网膜脱离 7d后神经节细胞层的厚度与玻璃体NGF水平显著正相关。结论 :NGF对视网膜细胞可能具有保护作用 。 Aim: To study the changes of the vitreous endogenous nerve growth factor (NGF) and retinal cells after retinal detachment and to provide experimental data for recovering the visual function of the patients with retinal detachment Methods:The model of retinal detachment was established in the eyes of healthy bluish purple colored adult rabbits.The vitreous NGF levels of the rabbits was examined by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) at the 8th h,1st d,4th d,7th d and 14th d after retinal detachment,respectively.The light and electron microscope specimens were also prepared to observe morphologic changes of sensory retina.The data were analyzed with one way analysis of variance,liner regression and nonparametric statistics.Results:①In normal rabbit there was a low level of NGF(16 48±2 52)ng/L The vitreous NGF level increased at the 8th h and peaked on the 1st d after retinal detachment,about 126 times as high as that of the normal level.The vitreous NGF level declined rapidly after the 1st d,about 4 times as high as that of the normal level after the 7th d and decreased to the normal level on the 14th d after retinal detachment;②The degeneration and apoptosis of photoreceptors increased during the 4th to 7th d after retinal detachment,which had a significant negative correlation with the vitreous NGF level at the same time;③There was significant positive correlation between the thickness of retinal ganglion cell layer and the vitreous NGF level on the 7th d after retinal detachemnt.Conclusion:NGF may play a role in preventing retinal cells from damage after retinal detachment and the exogenous NGF may be used as a therapy for patients with retinal detachment.
出处 《河南医科大学学报》 北大核心 2001年第5期570-574,共5页 Journal of Henan Medical University
关键词 视网膜脱离 神经生长因子 视网膜细胞 玻璃体NGF retinal detachment nerve growth factor retinal cell rabbit
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