目的 :为骨质疏松症的多基因综合研究提供一种简便、实用、准确的骨钙素 (osteocalcin ,OC)等位基因检测方法。方法 :采用聚合酶链反应 (PCR)特异性扩增OC基因序列 ,扩增产物用限制性内切酶HindⅢ酶切 ,经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 (PAGE)酸性银染后 ,观察酶切位点的限制酶片段长度多态性 (RFLP)图谱。结果 :应用PCR RFLP法检测了 77名健康汉族人OC基因型 ,hh、Hh、HH基因型分布频率分别为 6 4% (49例 )、32 % (2 5例 )、4% (3例 )。结论 :该方法简便、准确、重复性好 。
Objective:To establish a simple, accurate and practical method for Osteocalcin (OC) genotype investigation Methods:OC gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction(PCR) PCR products were digested with HindⅢ and subjected to PAGE and stained by silver nitrate The patterns of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of OC gene were distinguished Results: The frequencies of genotype hh, Hh, HH were 64 %, 32% and 4% respectively in 77 healthy individuals Conclusion:PCR RFLP method is considered a simple and practical technique for obtaining accurate results in this research This method is suitable for routine laboratories and epidemiology studies on OC genotype determination
Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School
国防科工委科技基金资助项目 ( 97J0 0 0 jb10 0 1)