研究了粉末冶金法制备 Si C颗粒增强镁基复合材料过程中几个非常重要的工艺问题。研究对比了基体 Mg粉的形状和新旧程度、粉末冶金时混料方式和热压工序对镁基复合材料性能的影响。结果表明 ,采用合适的烘粉处理后 ,Mg粉的新旧程度对复合材料的性能无明显影响 ;与粒状 Mg粉相比 ,片状 Mg粉对应的屈服强度有所提高 ;和普通混粉方式相比 ,球磨混粉的伸长率略低 ;
Several key points in fabricating SiC particulates reinforced maynesium matrix composites by pouder metallurgy were discussed.The effect on properties of such factors as shape and stocking duration of Mg powder ways of mixing powder and hot compaction process were also investigated.It is revealed that with appropriate baking treatments,there is no obviously different effect between new Mg powder and old Mg powder on properties of the composites; compared with the particulate Mg powder,the chipped Mg powder is more beneficiul to the imprpvement of yield strength;The elongation rate with ball grinding is lower thau than with the common mixing method; Moreover,hot compaction process may increase the stubility of preperties of the composites.
Hot Working Technology