在大面积火山岩分布地区填图 ,对于复杂的相互叠置的同期不同喷发次的火山岩 ,通过火山构造的研究、不同喷发次界面的确定及不同岩石组合特征的归并 ,划分出喷发间歇期区(带 ) ,并理清不同火山构造和群体间的上下关系。在这基础上 ,依据各火山构造和群体的地层剖面建立地层层序。这不仅反映了测区火山活动的全貌 。
Based on the analysis results of the synchronous and superimposed volcanic rocks of different time eruptions and the volcanic structures,it is certain to make certain the interfaces of the different eruptions,mergo into the characteristics of different lithologic assemblages,mark off the areas of the volcanic eruptions of intermittent stages,make clear the below and above relations of different volcanic structures and volcano clusters.It is referred to establish the stratigraphic sequences of the surveyed area according to the different sections of the volcanic structures and volcano clusters,which show the panorama of volcanic activities in the surveyed area.
Geology of Fujian