研究了氧化物的超导电性与元素电负性之间的关系。笔者用电负性均衡值Xcq作为氧化物超导电性的新的经验判据 ,并用一个式子确定氧化物中元素电负性的均衡值Xcq 笔者用该式计算了 2 30种氧化物超导体的电负性均衡值Xcq,结果表明 ,所有氧化物超导体的电负性均衡值Xcq集中在 5 .0 0到5 .63这样窄的范围内 ,而电负性均衡值在此范围之外的氧化物都不具有超导性。该判据几乎适用于一切氧化物超导体。显然 ,笔者的工作对进一步探讨氧化物的超导机制是有益的。
In this article we have worked out the correlation between electronegativity and high temperature superconductivity for oxide. It is suggested the equalized electronegativity, X cq , can be used as a empirical criterion for superconductivities of oxides. For determining the X cq , a new formula for the calculation of X cq values has been obtained The X cq values of 230 oxide superconductors have been calculated. The result shows that the X cq values of all the oxide superconductors concentrate in a narrow range from 5.00 to 5.63 and that the oxides with values out side this region would be non-superconductive. This criterion can be applied to almost all the oxide superconductors. It is clearly that this result is able to benefit further inquiries about the mechanism of superconductivity.
Journal of Chongqing University