对聚苯胺、及聚苯胺 /聚丙烯酸盐复合粒子的稳态剪切流动行为进行了综合考察。结果表明 ,在交流电场下 ,电流变体的剪切应力和剪切速率的关系符合Bingham流体形为。并对此现象进行了分析 。
The yielding stresses or viscosity of electrorheological fluids increase by order of magnitude when electric fields are applied on them. The steady flow of electrorheological fluids based on polyaniline, polyaniline/(acrylic polyelectrolyte) composite particles were studied. The relationship between shear stress and shear rate under different AC field strengths was measured. Analysis is made to study the relationship between the yielding stress, as well as sensibility of shearing, and field strength. Furthermore, in the analysis under DC field strength, pseudoplastic behavior was found and interpreted. Distinctive differences of the flow behavior between the cases under DC and AC field were found. An original and effective expression was employed to characterize the flow behavior under a DC field.