固体物料返料装置是流化床水煤气汽化炉的重要部件 ,针对目前流化床水煤气汽化炉的返料装置存在的固体颗粒循环量调节能力较差的问题 ,自行设计了一种流动密封阀形式的返料装置并进行了试验研究 ,根据试验结果获得了立管内负压差移动床压降的关系式 ,指出了立管最小直径的确定方法 ,建立了水平孔口压差与固体颗粒循环量之间以及物料输送室压降的关系式 ,分析了流动密封阀阻力特性 ,并提出了返料装置设计及校核计算方法 。
The solid feed recycle device is an important part of the fluidized bed water gas gasification furnace. In view of the existing problem that the solid feed recycle device can not adjust the solid circulation effectively, this paper designs a solid feed recycle device with a loop seal and a lot of tests are done. Based on the results of the tests, the paper presents the pressure differential of the negative pressure moving bed in the standpipe, and the way of caculating the diameter of the standpipe shows the ralation between the drag force of the horizontal pole and that of the solid circulation, builds up the pressure differential of solid delivery, analyses the pressure character of the loop seal, forwards the way of designing and examining the solid feed recycle device. This paper is of directive functions for the safe and steady operation of the fluidized bed water gas gasification furnace.
Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology(Natural Science)
国家重大设备科技攻关项目 (JK85 -0 7)