本文描述了利用能量守恒定律来估算开关磁阻电机转矩的计算方案。估算方法有两种 ,一种是根据输出的机械能 ,另一种是根据磁共能。在用能量守恒定律估算转矩时 ,由电路方程或 Luenberger观测器解出估算的磁链。通过由能量守恒定律得出的估算转矩值与由有限元法和试验得出的转矩值进行比较 ,验证了由能量守恒定律估算转矩的可行性。在试验中 ,对转矩进行控制比较 ,验证了由能量守恒定律估算转矩的可行性。在试验中 。
We describe the torque estimation scheme by Energy Conversion Method (ECM) that can apply to torque control of SRM. There are two types of torque estimation method by ECM.One is using mechanical output energy and another is using co energy. When estimating torque by ECM, the estimated flux linkage is obtained by circuit equation and Luenberger observer. As comparing the torque estimated by ECM with by FEM and experiment, we verify the feasibility of torque estimation by ECM. In the experiment using ECM, Torque control is implemented to reduce the torque ripple.
S&M Electric Machines