
鲮鱼罐头中霉菌的耐热性及产生毒素的探讨 被引量:1

Study on Mold Lteat Resistibility and Toxin Produced in Canned Fried Dace
摘要 主要根据霉菌的特性,针对南方地区的食品厂,在鲮鱼罐头生产季节期间,温度和湿都非常适宜霉菌的生长,鲮鱼半成品容易产生肉眼观察不到的霉菌,通过实罐试验,寻找在鲮鱼半成品中生长的霉菌,以及其产生毒素,探讨其耐热性,提供科学依据。 During the production esason of fried dace,the temperature and humidity are very suitable for the growth of molds,which is easy to develop in the processed fish and in visible.A ccording to the specific property of molds.this paper has found molds after sterilization and the toxin produced,and also studied the heatresistance of them.The study would provide the scientific basis for the steril zafion of fried dace.
作者 林应胜
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第10期74-75,共2页 Food Science
关键词 霉菌 鲮鱼罐头 毒素 耐热性 Mold Fried dace Toxin
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