针对我国目前小区智能系统的需求情况 ,介绍了一套实用的小区智能系统以及系统实现中的主要技术问题。该小区智能系统是一个基于计算机、单片机、Neuron芯片和LONWORKS总线技术 ,其主要功能包括小区内各住户“三表”数据的自动获取 ,消防及非法入侵信号的监控 ,紧急求助 ,各种公共信息发布以及提醒等。
According to the intelligent uptown needs of our country, introduces a set of intelligent uptown monitor system, and the main technical problems of the system . The uptown intelligent system is based on the computer , single chip microcomputer and LONWORKS bus technique. The main functions of the system include : the auto data collection of three meter (water meter,electric meter and gas meter), the monitoring of fire alarm and illegal entry, emergency help call, the uptown news release and informing.
Journal of East China Shipbuilding Institute(Natural Science Edition)