目的 通过对良性脑膜瘤组织细胞凋亡的原位观察和增殖性抗原 Ki- 67表达状态的研究 ,探讨不同级别脑膜瘤组织中细胞增殖和凋亡情况。方法 对 40例术前未经任何治疗的脑膜瘤手术标本 ,分别进行凋亡细胞的 DNA缺口原位末端标记 ( TUNEL)法和 Ki- 67抗原的免疫组化染色。结果 恶性及非典型脑膜瘤中 Ki- 67标记指数明显高于良性脑膜瘤 ( P<0 .0 1 ) ,恶性和非典型脑膜瘤之间也有显著性差异 ( P<0 .0 1 )。在恶性及非典型脑膜瘤中凋亡指数显著性高于良性脑膜瘤 ( P<0 .0 1 )。结论 恶性及非典型脑膜瘤中自发性细胞凋亡增多。 Ki- 67指数和病理分级有很好的一致性 。
Objective To investigate the inter relationship between spontaneous apoptosis and proliferative activity in benign,atypical and malignant meningiomas.Methods 40 meningiomas of diverse histological subtypes and grades were investigated apoptosis index(AI) with terminal deoxynuleotidy 1 transferase mediated dUTP biotin nick end labeling(TUNEL) as well as immunohistochemical analysis of Ki 67.Results The apoptosis index were significantly higher in high grade meningiomas than in benign meningiomas (P<0.05) .Ki 67 labeling index (LI)values±SD were (3.24±1.54)% for the benign,(9.49±4.09)% for the atypical,and (23.59±8.14)% for malignant meningiomas.There were significant difference among the grades.Conclusion There is a good correlation exists between histological grades and Ki 67 LI,Ki 67 Li may reflect the proliferative feathure of meningiomas.The apoptosis index is higher in atypical and malignant meningiomas.
Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment
湖北省自然科学基金资助 (SJ- 98J0 6 3)