血泵对血液的破坏程度是衡量血泵性能的一个重要指标。本文针对三种叶片式血泵即离心泵、轴流泵、混流泵的溶血试验做一比较分析。在试验中 ,选用了我们研制的Ⅰ型离心血泵、磁耦合型轴流血泵、螺旋混流泵。在一封闭管道中 ,注入新鲜抗凝羊血 5 0 0ml,水浴温度 37℃ ,血泵辅助流量为 5L min ,平均压力10 0mmHg,分别在泵转后 0、 0 5、 1 0、 1 5、… 4 0h测量血浆中游离血红蛋白 (FHB)和纤维蛋白原 (FIB)含量 ,最后计算出三个血泵整个过程中的标准溶血指数NIH。结果表明三种血泵对血液都有一定的破坏 ,它们的NIH值分别为 0 112 5± 0 0 15 7g 10 0L、 0 0 931± 0 0 137g 10 0L和 0 0 5 6 1± 0 0 0 5 8g 10 0L ,由此可得出混流泵对血液的破坏最小。
For a blood pump, the damage to blood is a very important for evaluating it. In this paper, we discussed hemolysis test about three kinds of impeller blood pumps. In vitro experiment, a mode I centrifugal pump, a magnetic coupling axial flow pump and a spiral mixed pump were selected. 500ml anticoagulant sheep blood were input into a closed pipeline loop. The simulated conditions were: 5L/min flowrate, 100mmHg average pressure and 37°C temperature of water bath. When the pump had rotated for 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, · · · 4.0 hours, we measured the free plasma hemoglobin and fibrinogen. At last, normalized indexes of hemolysis for the three pumps were calculated. The results showed that the values of NIH were 0.1125 ± 0.0157g/100L, 0.0931 ± 0.0137g/100L 0.0561 ± 0.0058g/100L, respectively. All the three blood pumps caused different levels of damage to the blood. The best hemolysis results were from the mixed blood pump.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering
Impeller blood pump Hemolysis test Normalized index of hemolysis