目的 : 探讨苦瓜皂甙对衰老小鼠免疫功能的影响。方法 : 1 5 mo雌性昆明小鼠 ,随机分为老年对照组 ( SC)、实验 组 ( E1 )、实验 2组 ( E2 ) ,SC饮用自来水、E1、E2两组分别饮含有1 0 0 mg/L和 2 0 0 mg/L的苦瓜皂甙水。饲养 5 w后 ,处死动物 ,取标本待测。同时制备衰老小鼠脾细胞、腹腔巨噬细胞、胸腺细胞 ,分别加入不同浓度的苦瓜皂甙 ( 2 5 mg/L和 5 0 mg/L) ,培养后待测。结果 : 苦瓜皂甙不影响脾脏指数 ,但胸腺指数有升高趋势 ,实验组吞噬指数、血清 IL- 2水平明显升高 ,且 E2高于 E1 ( P<0 .0 5 )。苦瓜皂甙能明显增加胸腺中 CD8+ - T细胞数 ,显著降低胸腺和脾脏中 CD+ CD8+ 双阳性 T细胞数。体外实验表明 ,苦瓜皂甙不但可促进脾脏分泌 IL - 2 ,还可显著增强腹腔巨噬细胞分泌 TNFα,但不影响胸腺细胞凋亡百分率。结论 : 苦瓜皂甙可通过改变 T细胞各亚群比例 ,促进 IL- 2分泌 ,增强吞噬指数 ,提高衰老小鼠免疫功能。
Objective: To study the regulatory effects of Momordica charantia L. saponins on immune function of senile mice. Methods: Female senile Kunming mice (15 months) were divided into senile control group(SC), experiment group 1(E1) and experiment group 2(E2). SC drank tap water, E1 and E2 drank tap water supplemented with 100mg/L and 200mg/L Momordica saponins respectively. After 5 weeks, samples were collected for IL 2, TNF α, T cell subpopulation, phagocytosis index, thymus and spleen indices. At the same time, splenocyte, peritoneal macrophage, thymocyte obtained from senile mice, were cultured in medium containing 25mg/L and 50mg/L Momordica saponins respectively, and tested for IL 2, TNF α and apoptosis. Results: There was no change in spleen index, but thymus index increased markedly in E2 group. Phagocytosis index, serum IL 2 level were increased obviously, while there was significant difference between E2 and E1. At the same time, ratio of CD8 + T cell raised significantly in thymus, and ratio CD + 4 CD + 8 T cell declined obviously in both thymus and spleen. Momordica saponins could increase splenocyte to secrete IL 2, enhance peritoneal macrophage to secrete TNF α, but had no effect on apoptosis of thymocyte. Conclusion: Momordica saponins can improve immune function of senile mice by modulating the ratio of T cell subpopulation.
Acta Nutrimenta Sinica
Momordica charantia L. saponins
senile mice
immune function