以 32m单线箱梁的运输和架设为例 ,介绍了SPJ45 0 / 32型拼装架桥机的结构、架设原理及在秦沈客运专线六股河特大桥中的应用 ,并与秦沈客运专线其它架桥机进行经济技术比较 ,为今后高速铁路架桥机的选型及大吨位箱梁的运架提供参考。
The paper introduces the structure and working principles of SPJ450/32 assembly beam erecting machine and its application in transportating and erecting 32m single line box girder of Liuguhe extra large bridge on Qinhuangdao\|Shenyang Passenger Special Line. A comparison is made between this machine and other beam erecting machines economically and technically, giving references for the selection of beam erecting machine and erection of heavy box girder in high\|speed railway in the future.
Railway Construction Technology