
平行板电极间玻璃中的电场分布 被引量:6

Electric Field Distribution in Glass between Planar Electrodes
摘要 讨论金属与玻璃阳极连接过程中由于碱金属离子迁移所引起的电场在玻璃内的分布。结果表明靠近金属阳极一侧玻璃中电场强度高达 10 8V/m量级。 Electric field distribution inside glass between planar electrode plates is studied in the paper. The results show that the electric field intensity in the glass adjacent to metal glass interface is as high as~ 10 8 V/m due to migration of alkali ions.
出处 《华东船舶工业学院学报》 EI 2001年第5期82-86,共5页 Journal of East China Shipbuilding Institute(Natural Science Edition)
基金 跨行业基金项目 (院编 2 0 0 0 6 0 1
关键词 阳极连接 玻璃 电场分布 金属 电势 anodic bonding glass electric field electric potential
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