行政伦理是公共行政领域的伦理 ,其价值基础是廉政 ,核心是勤政 ,目标是培养和完善行政人格。行政理想、行政态度、行政义务、行政技能、行政纪律、行政良心、行政荣誉和行政作风 ,构成行政伦理的范畴体系。行政伦理规范的本质特征是主观与客观的统一 ,他律与自律的统一。行政行为的善恶评价 ,以邓小平同志的“三个有利于”和江泽民同志的“三个代表”的思想为根本标准。行政手段的有效性决不能违背行政目的的伦理性 ,对于行政的“伦理妥协”
Administration ethic is the ethic in the domain of administration. It is based on integrity as the value, centered round assiduity and aimed at perfect personality administration work demands. Administration ideals, attitude, liabilities, skills, disciplines, conscience, credit and work style compose the framework of administration ethic. The criteria of administration ethic feature the unity of subjectivity and objectivity, plus self-discipline and other-discipline. The good-and-evil criteria of administrative conduct conform to the thoughts 'Three Benefits' of Comrade Deng Xiaoping and 'Three Representations' of Comrade Jiang Zemin. Efficiency of administrative conduct should not go beyond the ethic of administration intention. Scientific consideration is essential to the compromise of administration and ethic.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University