

A Re-cognition of Cognition
摘要 经验认识以客观世界为认识对象 ,但它本身并不独立自足 ,而要以先验认识为其先在预设。先验认识虽可作为经验认识的预设 ,但它本身亦不自足 ,需要以超验认识为其预设。超验认识独立自存 ,是人类认识的终极源泉 。 This paper, through the examination of the definition of 'the world', holds that, empiric cognition treats objective world as its cognitive objects, but empiric cognition itself is not self-sufficing, and it depends on empiric cognition as its prerequisite; a priori cognition is not self-sufficing either, though it is the prerequisite for a priori cognition. It requires transcendent cognition as its prerequisite. Transcendent cognition stands alone and is the ultimate resource of human cognition. Human cognition is the listening and reply to transcendent cognition
作者 刘光耀
机构地区 襄樊学院中文系
出处 《洛阳师范学院学报》 2001年第6期17-20,共4页 Journal of Luoyang Normal University
关键词 经验认识 先验认识 超验认识 逻各斯 海德格尔 empiric cognition a priori cognition transcendent cognition logos reply
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