梅花从春花时艳的感伤绮怨形象最终上升为崇高的道德人格象征 ,经历了一个审美认识持续发展的过程。这一过程大致分为两个阶段 ,一是魏晋至隋唐五代 ,一是两宋时期。宋以前的梅花审美以色香、习性等物色特征的认识把握为主 ,林逋以来进入了品格德性意义抉发的新阶段。封建士大夫道德品格意识的影响和渗透 ,构成了梅花品格美的价值取向。宋人通过对梅花形象主观化、意趣化的体悟观照、简择提炼 ,通过梅花与物质生活和人文情趣广泛方面的类比联想、参照阐释 ,逐步赋予梅花形象以品格意趣、道德情操的丰富内容 ,使它越来越具备超拔于春花时艳之上的精神意义 ,最终被推到了士大夫人格理想象征的崇高地位。
From the image of beauty and sentimentalization to the symbol of lofty moral integrity, plum blossoms have gone through a process in which aesthetic u nderstanding of its beauty developed continuously. The process can be divided i nto two periods: the one from the Northern Dynasties and the Jin Dynasty to the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the Five Dynasties and the one over the Song Dynastie s. And the appreciatory perspective was shifted from their habits and character istics to their symbolic meaning of qualities and integrity. Their influence on and the infiltration through the feudal scholar-officials constitute the valu e orientation of the qualities in plum blossoms. Eventually, they achieved thei r lofty status as ideal moral integrity of the scholar-officials.
Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)