以封建武士的利益和生存条件为基础形成的武士道善恶观 ,明治以后发展成了现代日本人的善恶观 ,将大和民族的利益置于其它民族的利益之上 ,以“日本的利益”得失作为衡量善与恶和自身行为正确与否的唯一标准。这种利己主义善恶观认同所有形式的对外战争 ,以掠夺为荣 ,将战争暴行看作为了“日本的利益”的正义之举。近现代军国主义战争中的民族疯狂 ,制造惨绝人寰的暴行而无丝毫罪恶感 ,篡改历史、美化侵略的二战史观 ,都源自武士道善恶观。
The Bushido good and evil views were set up on the Iapanese feudal warriors interest and existence . After 1868s Reform the modern japanese good and evil views were formed. It put the japanese interests on other national interests. The japanese interests gain and loss had became an only stantart which judged good or evil, correct or wrong. This egoism good and evil views approved all the japanese aggressiveness. In the japanese views, japanese aggressiveness became the holy war for the japanese interests, the wars outrages became the just acts for the japanese interests. ln the modern japanese militarisms war, The japanese militarists commited many atrocity of unparalled savagery, they not only never plead guilty, but also distort history and pretlify japanese aggressiveness . All of these orignates in the unique Bushido good and evil views .
Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Sciences)