一体化培养模式是现代法律职业者培养的基本模式。我国原有的法律职业者培养模式存在诸多不足 ,不符合现代法治社会的要求。统一司法考试制度的确立有利于克服原有法律职业者培养模式的弊端 ,推进我国法律职业者一体化培养模式的建立 ,推进我国的法治化进程。
It is general of the integrated training mode for the training of modern judicial professionals. The old mode of judicial professional training in China has defects in many aspects and cannot satisfy the need of modern law-ruling society. The establishment of unified judicial examination system will be good for overcoming such defects and the building up of the integrated mode of judicial professional training in China, that will push ahead the process of law-ruling in China.
Journal of Hainan University (Humanities & Social Sciences)