内陆地区相对封闭的自然环境、落后的地域经济 ,限制了人们的视野 ,制约了公务员收入的提高 ,加之立法建制不完善 ,使内陆地区腐败现象呈蔓延趋势。根据内陆地区的地域环境 ,其防腐反贪应做到 :彻底铲除滋生腐败的土壤 ,在全社会营造一种腐败可耻的氛围 ;建立健全公务员的职业保障体系 ,使公务员不必腐败 ;提高腐败成本 。
The relative closed environment of inland regions and their less developed economy are confining people's field of vision,and restricting the promotion of public servants' income.What's more,our legislation system is imperfect.All these lead to the spreading of corruption in inland regions.According to the regional environment of inland regions,our anti-corruption must include rooting out the soil breeding corruption,establishing the atmosphere of regarding corruption as a shame in our society,building and completing the professional immunity and treatment of the public servants.Raising the cost of corruption,so that they dare not to and cannot commit corruption.
Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)