中国古代文学入世进取主题中充满着忧患意识乃至于悲剧色彩。忧患意识是人的生命意志的体现 ,甚至形成一种积极的时代风尚。屈原模式和范仲淹精神是入世进取主题中忧患意识的集中体现。入世进取主题中悲剧色彩的出现 。
The theme of being ambitious in Chinese ancient literature is full of worrying mentality and even tragic color. The worrying mentality embodies people's life will and even sometimes forms an active trend of the times. The model of Qu Yuan and spirit of Fan Zhong\|yan are good examples of the worrying mentality of the theme of being ambitious. The tragic color emerges into the theme of being ambitions for many reasons, but in general ,it is a lofty tragedy, which inspires people greatly.
Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)