王曾瑜所著《金朝军制》 ,在一定程度上填补了学术界对金朝军制研究的不足 ,是一种有益的尝试。但是 ,这部著作尚存在着一系列问题 ,首先是缺乏头绪 ,使人有敷衍成篇的感觉 ;其次是尊重历史事实不够 ,妄加臆测的情况相当严重 ;复次是引用史料虽多 ,但在运用上有许多不够妥当之处 ;第四是书写欠规范 ,错别字和标点等方面的问题更是不少。为此 ,文章一一加以列举 ,并作出评论 。
The Militany System in Jin Dynasty\% writtern by Mr. Wangzengyu has fulfilled the research on Military System in Jin Dynasty. But there are still some faults in this work. First is its lack of organization; second is its difference from the history; third is its irrelevant quotation of history, and the last is its improper uniting. So, all these have been pointed out in this esseny and there are some comments, which can be beneficial to both the author and the reader.
Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)