明清时期河湟文化的特质为伊斯兰文化、汉文化、藏传佛教文化多元鼎立、兼容并 包,各文化既独立发挥着 自身的功能,又以这些功能保持着相互间割舍不断的联系。其中,汉族以强大的政治、军事 功能,以先进的科技功能;回族以商业功能,以门宦制的组织功能,非主流文化的功能;藏族以政治权力分享的土官制、以共建军事防御体系为功能与主流文化紧密联系在一起。本文在表现文化多元的同时,又探讨了相互间联系的机制,这是河湟文化的关键所在。
The features of the He Huang culture of the Ming-Qing period contain a plural combination of Islamic, Han and Tibetan Buddhist cultures, in which none of them is dominant. Each culture lived together and performed its own function in a plural society. Han nationality fulfilled powerful political, military and advanced scientific and technological functions, while Hui minority, a minor cultural stream, enjoyed commercial advantages in terms of official family organization, and Tibetan Buddhist culture, with a military defense system, was associated with the main cultural stream in terms of a headman system, in which politic al power was shared. With a survey of the cultural pluralism the paper discusses the system of the relation, which is the key point of the He Huang culture.
Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)