江泽民同志在世纪之交的重要时刻 ,站在唯物史观的高度 ,依据对社会存在的深刻变化和时代特征的准确把握 ,立足于历史发展的客观规律 ,围绕党的建设实践和任务 ,提出了“三个代表”的重要思想。这是建立在唯物史观基础上党的建设的伟大纲领 ,是唯物史观在党的建设上的创造性运用。实践“三个代表”必须牢固树立唯物史观 。
The idea of “three represents”was proposed by President Jiang Zemin from a historical materialistic perspective at the start of the new century. It was based upon a keen insight into profound social changes and characteristics of the times. It is a mature scientific conclusion drawn on the basis of paying respect for the law of the development of history and serving the Party construction. The proposal is a great guiding principle based on historical materialism and its creative application in the Party construction. A historical materialistic view is a must in implementing the “three represents”.
Journal of Hubei University(Philosophy and Social Science)