通过坯料在模锻型腔中的压挤成形过程 ,模拟开式模锻中飞边槽对金属充满型腔的作用 ,根据“变形金属最薄的部分常常是决定变形力的重要部分”这一观点 ,分析和探讨飞边槽桥部尺寸对模锻成形及变形力的影响 ,提出对高度较小、直径较大的齿轮以及复杂模锻件设计方法的改进 ,以提高该类锻件的模具寿命和生产率。
In this paper, the effect of the fash slot which helps the metal fill the die space in open die forming is imitated through analyzing the processing of extrusion shape in which the workblank is in the die space of die forging. According to the viewpoint that the thinnest part of the deforming metal is usually the important and decisive part of the deforming force, the influence of the bridge size of the fash slot on the die forming and the deforming force is analyzed. The improvement in the designing methods of gears with less height and fair sized diameter and of complex die forging products is put forward, so the life limit of die and the productivity can be enhanced.
Journal of Hefei University of Technology:Natural Science