目的 观察和比较滤过紫外光 (ultraviolet light filtering ,UV)型及非蓝视滤过紫外光(ultraviole cutandcyanopsia ,UVCY)型聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 (Polymethlmethacrylate ,PMMA)IOL植入眼内后对患者视觉功能的影响。方法 采用MCT 80 0 0型对比敏感仪对 44例 (4 8只眼 )白内障摘除术后植入UV型及UVCY型IOL患者进行对比敏感度 (contrastsensitivityfunction ,CSF)测试。结果 UVCY组夜、夜中心眩光和昼周围眩光状态的平均CSF总数分别高于UV组 ,UVCY组 4个状态 (或 5个空间频率 )的平均CSF总数高于UV组 ,UVCY组空间频率 3及 6周 /度的平均CSF总数分别高于UV组 ,差异均有显著性 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 UVCY型IOL较UV型IOL更有助于患者术后视觉功能的恢复和提高。
Objective To research the difference in vision after UV and UVCY two types of intraocular lens implantation (The light 380-790 nm may transmit through the UV lens, and the UVCY lens may partly filter the light <640 nm including part of the light <460 nm.). Methods MCT 8000 contrast tester was used in the postoperative two months. Results The contrast sensitivity of the patients with UVCY lenses was superior to that with UV lenses obviously (P <0.05) under the condition of glare and 3 c/d, 6 c/d space frequency. Conclusion The UVCY lens is more advantageous to improve visual function.
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology