目的 :带状疱疹后遗神经痛属于较剧烈的顽固性疼痛症之一 ,主要发生于中老年病人。本文报告一组 32例病人接受定位神经节段注药为主的治疗 ,并取得较满意疗效的远期病人随访结果。方法 :在达到有效缓解疼痛的治疗效果后 ,分别在一年至两年期间 (10~ 2 6个月 )通过门诊和电话家访两种方式进行随访 ,项目包括疼痛疗效 ,情绪 ,生活质量以及工作能力 ,患区后遗症状等。结果 :32人在治疗后的 1~ 2年内均能保持稳定疗效 ,精神面貌好 ,生活质量显著改善 ,睡眠及饮食起居均恢复正常或基本正常 ,但患区后遗症状 ,如痒感 ,蚁行感和牵拉或紧束感仍然存在。结论 :带状疱疹后遗神经痛经过以精确的定位神经节段或区域注药为主要治疗手段取得确切的疗效后均能保持疗效 ,说明了该疗法是治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛较为满意的方法。
Objective: Most of the pain!of post herpetic neuralgia (PHN) is refractory.In the present study we report the long term follow up of therapeutic effect of peri nerve root injection for the treatment of PHN. Mthods: Both home telephone inquiry and follow up during out-patient service were carried out in 32 cases including therapeutic effect, emotion score,ability of work and remaining symptom of herpes area. Results: Therapeutic effect of PHN in all 32 cases remained satisfactory after 10 to 26 months.The quality of life was improved remarkably. Most of them returned to work or homework.About half of the patients complain temporal mild pain (about 10~20% of previous pain) during the raining days. In the herpes area,there were still some itching,tighting and paresthesia. Conclusion: Therapeutic effect produced by peri nerve root injection remains satisfactory during the long term follow up,suggesting that this is a reliable,safe and effective method for PHN.
Chinese Journal of Pain Medicine