
轮状病毒VP7 DNA免疫研究 被引量:1

Primary study of DNA vaccination of rotarirus VP7
摘要 目的研究促使基因分泌或膜锚定表达的基因修饰对轮状病毒 VP7DNA疫苗所诱导抗体水平的影响。方法把携带野生型 (VP7wt)、分泌型 (VP7s)和膜锚定型 (VP7tm ) 3种 VP7基因的重组 pc DNA3质粒分别免疫小鼠 ,用大肠杆菌表达的重组 VP7抗原检测 VP7特异的抗体反应 ,统计分析。结果 3种 DNA疫苗均能诱导轮状病毒 VP7特异的 Ig G抗体反应 ,但其抗体水平之间无显著性差异。结论把轮状病毒 VP7基因导入分泌或膜锚定表达途径不能增强其 ObjectiveTo investigate the influences of secreted and membrane anchored expression on the antibody res ponses raised by rotavirus VP7 DNA vaccine Methods Mice were immunized with recombinant expression vectors pcDNA3 VP7wt, pcDNA3 VP7s and pcDNA3 VP7tm bearing wild type, secreted or membrane anchored VP7 gene, respectively The specific antibody responses were detected with recombinant VP7 antigen Results All three constructs stimulated obvious IgG responses in mice Neither the VP7s nor the VP7tm based DNA vaccine generated stronger VP7 specific IgG response than did the VP7wt based vaccine Conclusions Neither secreted nor membrane anchored expression improved antibody res ponses to rotavirus VP7 DNA vaccine
出处 《免疫学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期430-432,共3页 Immunological Journal
基金 云南省应用基础研究基金 (青年基金 )资助项目 (1999C0 0 2 4Q)
关键词 轮状病毒VP7 分泌 膜锚定 基因修饰 DNA疫苗 rotavirus VP7 secretion membrane anchor gene modification DNA vaccine
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