目的 :了解海洛因依赖者戒毒后的转归 ,分析复吸相关因素。方法 :随访 178名劳教的海洛因依赖者出所后 6个月的情况 ,比较复吸者和戒断者的一般人口学资料、临床特征、成瘾严重程度、伴发的精神疾病等方面的差异。结果 :随访到的 149人 (83.7% )的资料显示 ,2 2 .8%保持戒断 ,46 .3%复吸 ,2 9.5 %正在强制戒毒、劳教或自愿戒毒 ,1.3%死亡。复吸与家庭中有其他吸毒者、无强烈戒毒愿望、伴有反社会人格障碍、未参加康复治疗和入教前ASI中海洛因滥用、家庭社会关系、违法犯罪三个因子分、静脉使用毒品等有关。结论 :海洛因依赖者劳教后的复吸率较高 ,复吸与家庭生活环境、戒毒愿望、既往海洛因依赖程度、反社会人格障碍等有关 ,据此制定预防复吸治疗具有重要意义。
Objective:To understand outcome of heroin addicts after abstinence and analyze the factors related to relapse. Methods:A follow-up of 149 heroin addicts in a correction camp was carried out at 6th months after their discharge. Demographic characteristics, clinical features, addiction severity and psychiatric comorbidity were compared between those who relapsed and those who remained abstinent. Results: 22.8% of the subjects were abstinent, 46.3% relapsed, 29.5% in probation or in treatment,1.3% died. Relapse was related to the presence of drug addiction in family members, lack of abstinence intention, antisocial personality disorder, lack of rehabilitation therapy, intravenous heroin use and ASI scores in heroin abuse, composite family/social and legal factors. Conclusion:The outcome of heroin dependence after correction was poor. Relapse was related to family environment, abstinence intention, the heroin addiction severity,antisocial personality disorder.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
96 - 6 48)