目的 :了解脑外科疾病患者抑郁情绪的发生率 ,初步分析大脑病变部位与抑郁情绪之间的关系。方法 :以Beck抑郁自评量表 (BDI)为评定工具 ,对 6 3名脑外科住院病人进行单项因子分和总分评定。结果 :单项因子疲乏感、工作困难、满意感缺如、食欲减退、抑郁、社交退缩、犹豫不决、自我形象改变、悲观和自罪感发生率较高 ;轻度以上抑郁情绪发生率达 79.37% ,其中轻度占 15 .87% ,中度 49.2 1% ,重度 14.2 9% ;年龄与抑郁情绪呈正相关。结论 :脑外科疾病患者大部分出现不同程度的抑郁情绪 ,且年龄越大抑郁情绪越严重。
Objective: To investigate the morbidity of depression in patients with neurosurgical disease and to analyze the relation between the location brain pathology and depression. Methods: Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) was used to rate the depressive symptoms of 63 hospitalized neurosurgical patients.Results: The symptoms as fatigue, working disability,lack of satisfaction, loss of appetite, depression, social withdrawal, hesitation,change in self image, pessimistic thought and guilt occurred with high frequency. The morbidity of depression was 79.37%, including mild depression 15.87%,moderate depression 49.12%,major depression 14.29%.There was a positive correlation between age and depression( r =0.403, P <0.05).Conclusion:Most neurosurgical patients showed depressive symptoms, especially in elder patients.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology