
“师专外国文学全方位教学模式改革研究”结题报告 被引量:1

A Concluding Report on The Mode of Reorfming and Researching Foreign Literature Teaching Through Comprehensive Methods
摘要 外国文学作为师范专科学校汉语言文学专业必修的专业基础课程 ,在该专业课程体系中占有十分重要的地位。然而 ,外国文学课教学内容多与课时少的矛盾突出 ,教学大多固守传统的教学模式“满堂灌”,忽略了学生学习的主体地位 ,忽略对学生读、看、说、写等实际能力的培养 ,且考试方法单一。这在全面推进素质教育、培养学生的创造品格和实践能力的今天 ,外国文学的这种教学现状的许多不适应之处 ,亟待改革。为此 ,我们在省级面向课题“师专外国文学全方位教学模式改革研究”中 ,一方面优化教学内容 ,提高教学质量 ,另一方面改革教学方法 ,促进学生素质的全面提高。同时 ,在考核上也相应地作了改革与调整。经过三年的改革实践 ,·构 ·建 ·了“·教 ·师 ·讲 ·与 ·学 ·生·读、·看、·说、·写 ·有 ·机 ·结 ·合”·的 ·开 ·放 ·性 ·全 ·方 ·位 ·教 ·学 ·模 ·式。我们将该模式在中文系的一些课程的教学中进行了推广和应用 ,取得了较好的效果。 Being a compulsory and essential course for the Chinese majors in the normal college, foreign literature occupies an important place in the specialized curriculum.Nevertheless, foreign literature used to face a number of problems. There existed the contradiction between too many contents to teach and hardly enough class hours to finish them; Quite a few teachers followed the traditional teaching method of 'cramming', overlooked the students' important role in acquiring knowledge and failed to train the students' practical ability of reading, watching,speaking and writing. Besides, their test methods remained outdated and simplistic. Today, when painstaking efforts are being given to promote overall quality of the students and train their creativeness and practicability, apparently the traditional mode of teaching foreign literature can't meet the needs of the situation and has a lot to be reformed.Therefore, while conducting the provincial educational reform project The Mode of Reforming and Researching Foreign Literature Teaching through Comprehensive Methods , we not only try to optimize teaching contents and improve teaching quality, but also strive to reform teaching methods and upgrade the students' overall quality. Meanwhile, we have the exam methods accordingly reformed and adjusted. Through three years' reform and practice, we have set up an open and all round teaching mode with the organic combination of teachers' lecturing with the students' reading, watching, speaking and writing.We have spread and applied the mode to a couple of courses opened in the Chinese department and have achieved satisfactory result
作者 杨荣
机构地区 达县师专中文系
出处 《达县师范高等专科学校学报》 2001年第3期69-73,共5页 Journal of Daxian Teachers College
关键词 外国文学 重要地位 教学现状 改革研究 开放性 教学模式 师专 foreign literature important position present teaching condition reform and study openness teaching mode result
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  • 1列宁著,中央马列著作毛泽东著作民族语文翻译局翻.列宁选集[M]民族出版社,1981.










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