1997年 9月 ,《中国近代史》被确定为校级重点课程以来 ,课程组全体成员紧紧围绕该课程的课程体系构建与完善 ,在编写教学大纲、参与教材编著、探索研究教学方法、撰写学术论文、申报科研课题等方面作了大量的工作 ,基本上完成了该课程建设的任务 。
Since the Modern Chinese History was confirmed as a college level key course in September 1997, all the members of the course group have been doing a lot of work over drawing the syllabus, compiling teaching materials, experimenting with teaching methods, writing academic papers and applying for scientific research projects. They have basically completed the construction of the course and have laid a fairly solid foundation for further improving teaching quality.
Journal of Daxian Teachers College