目的 应用B超诊断鉴别肠系膜肿瘤及卵巢肿瘤。方法 对 12例肠系膜及 112例卵巢肿瘤的声像图对比分析。结果 肠系膜实性肿瘤表现内部回声不均匀 ,瘤体活动范围大 ,以横向左右活动为特点。卵巢实性肿瘤多表现内部回声相对均匀 ,瘤体活动范围小 ,以前后活动为特点。结论 B超诊断有助于肠系膜肿物及卵巢肿物的鉴别 。
Purpose To diangosis and differentiate mesenteric tumor and ovary tumor by B ultrasound. Methods To study and compare the sonography of 12 cases of mesenteric tumor with that of 112 cases of ovary tumor. Results Mesenteric tumor shows the features of uneven echo inside, large moving range and moving at the left and right direction while ovary tumor shows the features of relative even echo inside, small moving range and moving back and forth. Conclusion B ultrasound can diagnosis and differentiate the two different diseases, help to raise the correct rate of diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology