目的 探讨巩角膜隧道切口的白内障超声乳化吸除及硬性 PMMA人工晶状体植入术的疗效。方法 在上方角膜缘后界做 3.5 m m隧道切口 ,对 6 8例 (72眼 )老年性、并发性和外伤性白内障行超声乳化术 ,并植入硬性 PMMA人工晶状体。结果 术后 1天、1周、1个月和 3个月裸眼视力≥ 0 .5者分别为 84.4%、88.8%、91.7%和93.1%。术后 1周平均散光为 (1.2 5± 0 .2 5 D)。比术前增加 0 .10 D(P >0 .0 5 )。术后 1个月和 3个月平均散光分别为 (0 .90± 0 .2 5 D)和 (0 .75± 0 .5 0 D) ,与术前无统计学差异 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,与巩膜隧道切口散光比较结果基本相同。结论 经巩角膜隧道切口白内障超声乳化吸除及硬性 PMMA人工晶状体植入 ,操作便捷 ,手术疗效好 ,视力及屈光状态稳定。
Objective To study the therapeutic effects of phacoemulsification with implantation of the rigid IOL through a limbas tunnel incision.Methods Phacoemulsification with implantation of the rigid IOL through a 3.5 limbus tunnel incision on 72 eyes of 68 patients with senile,complicated and traumatic cataracts.Results The proportions of uncorrected visual acuity of 0.5 or better were 84.4%、88.8%、91 7% and 93.1% at one day,on week,one month and three months respectively.The mean postoperative astigmatism was(1.25±0 25D) at one week and only 0.10D more than the mean preoperative one(P>0 05) There was also no statistical difference be tween the mean preoperative astigmatism and postoperative astigmatism at one and three months(P>0 05),which were respectively (0.90±0.25D) and (0.75±0.50D).The mean postoperative astigmatism was almost the same as compared the scleral tunnel in cision groups.Conclusion The phacoemulsification and implantation of the rigid IOL through a limbus tunnel incision is convenient effective and can reduce postoperative astigmatism and shorten the period of visual rehabilitation.
Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
Cataract extraction Lenses,intraocular Phacoemulsification