江泽民“七一”重要讲话坚持和发展了马克思关于“人的全面发展”的学说 ,使我们能够站在一个新的高度来观察、思考现代教师素质问题。在追求“人的全面发展”的过程中 ,教师必须走在时代和社会的前列。党中央、国务院对教师素质提出的六个方面的要求 ,应该是教师追求“全面发展”的基准。全面发展与个性发展是辩证统一的 ,教师应该学有专长 ,教有特色 ,形成自己的风格 ,在鲜明的个性中体现全面发展的共性要求。
General Secretary Jiang's July 1 Speech adheres to and develops the Marxist doctrine about 'all_round development of humans.'The six requirements for high_quality teachers put forword by the Party Central Committee and the State Counsil should serve as the basis for teachers working for 'all_round development of humans'.All_round development and individual development are a dialectical unity.A teacher should have his speciality,a marked way and style of teaching,for in individuality lies the requirements for all_round development.At the turn of the century and facing changed international and domestic situation,we must keep abreast with the times and meet the challege.
Journal of Changshu College