欣赏美是大学生生活中的重要内容 ,大学生要注意培养欣赏美的能力 ;创造美是大学生应尽的义务 ,他们能够在许多领域里创造美。欣赏美与创造美是辩证的统一 :欣赏美是创造美的前提 ,创造美是欣赏美的物化结果。
The appreciation of beauty is a part of the campus life of college students,who should cultivate an eye for the beautiful.The creation of beauty is an obligation of college students,who are expected to do so in many fieldo.The appreciation and creation of beauty are dialectically united:the appreciation of beauty is the prerequisite of the creation of beauty,while the latter is the materialization of the former.
Journal of Changshu College