在新世纪 ,党的思想政治工作仍将发挥“生命线”作用 ,并始终处在党的各项工作的“中心环节”地位。同时 ,思想政治工作又面临新的形势和任务 ,必须以“三个代表”重要思想为指导 ,切实加强新世纪党的思想政治工作。
In the New Century the Party's ideological and political work will still play the role of 'lifeline' will be the 'key line ' for good in the Party's various tasks. Meanwhile, the ideological and political work is faced with new situations and tasks, therefore, the important 'three represent's ' theory must be regarded as the guideline to conscientiously enhance the Party's ideological and political work in the new century.