用SMUP微机生理测量系统对金华市区及郊区 2 0岁 65岁不同职业的 3 99人的脉膊波进行了测量统计和分析 .结果表明 :不同年龄段人群的心血管性能差异显著 ,尤其是 3 5岁 4 5岁年龄段的变化最大 ,提示心血管的保健要从年轻时开始 ;还表明 :不同职业人群的血管性能指标也有不同程度的差异 ,提示当前拼搏在改革开放前沿的脑力劳动者更应该重视劳逸结合 ,注重心血管病变的预防 .
The cardiovascular system was used in the meas urement of the pulse waves ranging from the ages of 20 to 65 in the outskirts. Through analyses of 399 cases, it showed that different age-periods have significant differences, especially of the ages from 35 to 45 .The difference was concerned with profession.It showed also alternating work with rest and recreation is important to keep fit of cardiovascular system and protection of cardi ovascular system. The younger a person is, the easier it is for him to protect his cardiovascular system.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Natoral Sciences)